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Governing Documents, Rules, and Regulations
This page lists the Governing Documents including Policies and Resolutions.
24-12-12 Records Retention Policy.pdf
ARB Deposits 17-10-01.pdf
Capital Contribution Certificate of Recordation 22-10-17.pdf
Bulletin Board Guidelines 15-07-08.pdf
Leasing Policy and Procedure 20-11-18.pdf
Guest Policy 16-05-31.0.pdf
Garden Plot Policy 23-01-26.pdf
Abridged Covenants 19-08-09.pdf
No Solicitation Policy 20-06-04.pdf
Electronic Approval BOD 15-05-20.pdf
Enforcement Fines and Suspensions Policy 02-08-26.pdf
Bereavement Notice Policy 19-02-13.pdf
Golf Carts Prohibited Resolution 04-02-26.pdf
Charitable Contributions Policy 14-06-11.pdf
Capital Contribution Certificate of Recordation 22-10-17.pdf
ARB Guidelines 24-10-24.pdf
Social Hall Rental Policy 15-05-27.pdf
Record Request Policy 20-07-14.pdf
Amended and Restated Declaration Of Covenants.pdf
Amended and Restated Bylaws.pdf
Amended and Restated Articles Of Incorpertaion.pdf
Notice of Non-Recording Rules and regs 22-06-04.pdf
2020-05-04 Driveway Colors.pdf
2020-04-01 - No Mow Zone.pdf
2020-05-03 Computer Rules and Procedures.pdf
2020-06-02 Tenant Evaluation.pdf
2020-08-05 EOG Established.pdf
Resolution Authorizing Remote Participation at Meetings.pdf
23-11-16 Resolution to Move Sidewalk Repairs to Reserves.pdf
Resolution 2023-01 Hurricane Ian Assessment.pdf
24-01-25 Collection Policy.pdf
23-06-22 Standing Committee Policy.pdf
23-06-22 Landscape Policy.pdf
23-05-25 Cash Management Policy - 2023.v6.0.pdf
Notice of Non-Recording of Rules and Regulations 06-22.pdf
Amended and Restated Declaration Of Covenants.pdf
Amended and Restated Articles Of Incorpertaion.pdf
Amended and Restated Bylaws.pdf
Certificate of Amenment of Declaration for Capital Contribution 22-10-17.pdf
Certificate of Amendment 2019.pdf
Abridged Covenants.pdf